Anameka™ Fodder Shrub

Anameka™ (Old Man Salt Bush)

Tulla Natives is excited to announce a growing partnership with Chatfields Nursery from Tammin, WA.

We are growing Anameka™ under Chatfields National Licence and are excited to announce this means we can cater to supply the high demand of Anameka™ in the Eastern States of Australia.

Please contact us to discuss or confirm your Anameka™ order for 2024 planting. Each season we sell out fast due to increasing demand so get your order in ASAP to avoid missing out.


· Fill the late summer to early winter feed gap.
· Substantially reduce supplementary feeding costs.
· Allow deferred grazing of winter pastures, boosting pasture productivity.
· Give your stock consistent nutrition with each plant.
· High in vitamin E for healthier animals and better meat quality.
· A good source of other essential minerals.
· Responds well to summer rainfall and helps to reduce water table recharge and salinity. 
· Sheep with access to Anameka™ have a 19-24% increase wool production when compared to sheep grazing stubbles, dry pastures or moderate quality cereal hay.
· After initial planting, there are very few extra costs.
· 20+ years if managed well. (based on Atriplex nummularia field plots).
· Deep rooted- grows in sandy soil to heavy clay.
· It does not need salt but happily grows in saline areas (where you would plant other Oldman saltbush).
· In saline areas, plant where there is still barley grass - it won’t grow in bare salt scalds.
· Persistent water logging will kill it (river saltbush and puccinellia grass are better for waterlogged areas).

Anameka™ , like other Oldman saltbush, uses out-of-season rainfall. Over time, this reduces water table recharge and allows salt to be washed back down the soil profile.
Ultimately, highly productive but salt sensitive grass pasture species can recolonise the pasture. These systems have been shown to quadruple sheep grazing days in autumn.

Here are some links to resources from the CSIRO:
Anameka™: elite saltbush for livestock and landscape benefits (summary)
Saltbush forage improvement - impact case study (detailed)
Drought-resilient shrub story from CSIRO

Here’s a link to our summary info on the benefits of Anameka

For more information please contact us via the Contact page to discuss further.

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